The Mind Leads The Way

Mental performance coaching for individuals and teams

Online and in Savannah, Georgia

You think about the times when you performed well.

Ready to give it your all.

Fully connected to the experience; engaged with the tasks, sights, and sounds around you.

Sure, there were moments when stress or emotions began to bubble to the surface, but you managed these challenges and prevailed.

“Why can’t I always perform that way?” you wonder.

The problem is the times when everything comes together for optimal performance are few and far between.

You don’t know the secret ingredient that brings it all into harmony.

This means that it may not be there when you need it most.

Lots of things can get in your way.

Everyday distractions take up precious real estate in your mind, causing you to lose sight of what’s important.

Fears and frustrations get the better of you. Exhaustion mounts as your focus dulls.

You want so badly to be fully engaged and bring your authentic self to your performances, but you don’t know how.

The answer is a trained mind.

Your mind is probably the most important aspect of your performance, yet you never intentionally train it.

Mental performance training can help you learn to manage challenges and build the skills that let you excel.

Imagine having a more present, accepting, adaptable, and committed mind that can perform in the big moments and the long grinds in between.

Let’s go through this process together.

We will work to develop a process that is tailored to you.

You will become engaged with and fond of the journey, allowing
you to give your best no matter the scenario.

Dedication to this mindset will help you accomplish tangible goals
while also enhancing clarity and empowerment.

You are capable of so much more than you know. Let me
help you get there.


Hi, I’m Lorna.

My passion is helping others be their personal best in their careers, passions, and callings.

I have often wondered about people’s stories…

What makes this person achieve significant things?

Why is this person so determined?

How did this person experience obstacles?

I help people hone their minds on their journey to performance excellence. This can mean something different for each person, but it always requires growth.

You don’t have to do this alone, however. In a safe environment, I listen, encourage, and challenge you to reach your untapped potential and learn to perform consistently time and again.

Let’s face it; performance matters. It’s time to take control.

What I Offer

Performance Consulting
for Athletes


Performance Consulting
for Performing Artists
and Creatives


Performance Consulting
for Career and Lifestyle


Consulting for
Teams and Groups




Be at the top of your game!

Learn how to perform at your best no matter the circumstances.
You have the ability within you; let me help you access it.

Call now, and let’s get started.