About Mental Performance Consulting

Performance is everywhere. Think about it…

When you perform, you are carrying out an action or accomplishing something. Think about the countless performance moments in sports, work, school, and personal spaces.

How could you perform better in these spaces?

You want to manage anxiety when facing pressure and uncertainty at your job.

You want to win those close matches and bounce back from losses.

You want to feel confident and build good habits as you transition to a new team.

EVERYONE (even you!) benefits from better performance.

It often seems like some people just have “it” – that elusive “all togetherness” – that mental resilience that makes them good at life and able to accomplish things.

You notice that certain thoughts and emotions have a lot of power over your life – particularly in response to stress. Obstacles zap your energy, goals seem too far away, and tasks are restricting instead of liberating. It’s no wonder you try to avoid it at all costs!

It’s not just you. EVERYONE has these struggles. The difference is that some people have better mental performance tools or are more skilled at wielding them.

Doing the work required to master your mind…

… will help you bring your best self to performances.

The key mental components to optimal performance include focus, mindset, regulation, motivation, and skill acquisition.

You can build mental fortitude by staying in the present moment, managing distractions, and regulating stress in your mind and body.

Guided and supported by your values in the grind, I’ll give you the methods and skills you need to develop mentally and physically for better performance.

What does the process look like?

Outcomes matter. There’s no doubt about that.

But our chief focus will be on a quality process.

We will prioritize becoming a more capable, healthier you on the way to outcomes. Of course, we will also note what is working and celebrate wins as they come!

We will work on whatever is most relevant to you while keeping the keys to optimal performance as our home base. You will be exercising and conditioning your mind to be stronger for performance in different areas of your life.

The road to being a better performer is exciting but can also bring up resistance. Discomfort will always be a part of the performance experience. We will work to expand your tolerance of discomfort and seize opportunities for growth.

Adjustments are welcomed, mistakes are necessary, and processes take time. We will invest in incremental but powerful changes that add up to make big differences.

About Me

I first got into sport and performance psychology…

… because of my passion for sports and my desire to perform well in everything I did.

I had been a long-time competitive athlete and was finding my career path. I wanted to understand myself better and to help others do the same.

I knew there had to be more to the performance experience – ways to lessen the burden and enjoy the process.

Throughout my time in sport, schooling, and career…

There have been many times that I was overwhelmed by uncomfortable emotions, faced pressure, struggled to stay motivated, was perfectionistic, and had to learn skills outside my comfort zone.

Working with me means that you are working with someone who understands the struggles and uses what I teach every single day.

Since becoming a mental performance consultant, I have pursued competence in the field, respect and understanding for my clients, service quality, and personal growth.

Some of my education and experience…

I received my master’s degree in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Denver.

I have worked with high school and college athletes and coaches to improve performance, life skills, and team culture. Training often worked on goals, confidence, attention, and visualization. I provided professionals with the skills they needed to manage academic workloads, enhance critical thinking, and use emotional intelligence and principles of team dynamics.

I spent five years working in a high-performing environment with Army Special Operations soldiers. As they completed qualification courses, I worked with them to handle pressure and perform during evaluations, learn more effectively, and better execute tactical and physical tasks.

When I’m not working with clients…

I like a good movie or book and staying active outdoors.

I love dogs. I have a sweet beagle boy named Ollie.

Are you ready??

… to understand yourself as a performer?

… to master your performance arena?

… to implement the keys to optimal performance in various areas of your life?

Let’s do this!

Together, we can define optimal performance for YOU, identify what’s getting in the way, and give you the skills you need for long-term better performance.

Call me today for your free 30-minute consultation. Let’s talk about how I can help: (760) 554-3982.