Where are you located?

I’m located in Savannah, Georgia, but we will most likely work together online.

So, as long as you have a device and an Internet connection, we’ll meet wherever it suits you!

What are your hours?
I try to make myself available to a variety of schedules. I can do sessions throughout the day, evening, and Saturday on a limited basis.
How do I schedule a session?

You can call, email, or fill out the contact form to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.

This consultation allows us to get to know one another and ensure that my approach is a good fit for your needs. An initial consultation does not commit you to anything, but it’s an important first step to doing good work.

Where are sessions conducted?

Individual sessions will be via Zoom video conferencing.

Team and group sessions or workshops are either online or at your designated location.

What do I need for online sessions?

You will need a device, Internet, and access to Zoom video conferencing. Sessions also require a quiet space to limit distractions and maintain confidentiality.

You will have access to the ProMind Performance Portal, where you can view appointments, utilize resources, take notes, etc.

How long are sessions?
Sessions are 60 minutes long.
What forms of payment do you accept?
I utilize a platform that sends invoices and processes credit/debit payments via Square. If you require a different payment option, let me know, and we will make other arrangements.
Who can benefit from mental performance training?

Mental performance training helps people perform with greater capability, consistency, and enjoyment. The skills you will learn are universal, so they can help you perform better in your sport, job, health, and personal goals.

You may have a specific issue or problem you want to address or recover from. Or you may feel like you are doing well but could improve to be your best.

Mental performance training can benefit a wide range of performance desires.

What are mental performance sessions like?

During sessions, we check what is going well, what is difficult, and what is most relevant in performance and life.

I help you understand why your performance experience is the way it is. I then provide you with proven mental skills for performance enhancement and the ability to implement them.

We may work on managing the thoughts, emotions, or stress getting in the way of optimal performance. You may benefit from strengthening skills like focus, motivation, memory, or problem-solving to move you toward your performance goals. Or we may help you create an environment or relationships more conducive to optimal performance.

Sessions will be specific to the individual or team with the enduring goal of developing better, healthier people.

What will I do between sessions?

In between sessions, you will use the skills we build during sessions and note how they impact you.

For example, I may give you the task of doing attention exercises to be more present throughout the week, implementing a new process or habit at practice, or working through discomfort more effectively.

I will also provide tailored resources for you to view and utilize on the ProMind Performance Portal, to which you will gain access upon starting sessions.

Is mental performance training the same as therapy?

Mental performance training is not therapy. I am not a licensed mental health provider and therefore cannot provide assessments or therapy services.

Mental performance does have a strong foundation in psychology, as our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors all relate to performance. But we won’t dive into deep emotional issues, trauma, substances, or other concerns related to mental health.

We can still work together on your performance goals if you are seeing a therapist for certain needs.

What are your training and experience?

I have a master’s degree in Sport and Performance Psychology from the University of Denver. My graduate school training included doing applied sport psychology with multiple team sports.

I then worked with Army Special Operations as part of their training in qualification courses. I taught classes and supported the development of thousands of soldiers over five years.

I have trained mental skills such as attention, focus, mindset, stress and emotional regulation, motivation, confidence, emotional intelligence, team dynamics, memory, critical thinking, decision-making, habit formation, and skill acquisition.

What are your best qualities as a mental performance specialist?

I am a good listener with a great memory.

I am a collector of information relating to many different topics.

I am never done growing in my profession and life.

Have you ever received performance coaching?

Absolutely! I have had help managing my own internal and external obstacles that keep me from being my best.

It has been incredibly helpful to have someone look in from the outside and help me discover options, support my mental skill development, and provide feedback.

What sports did you play?
I played softball and tennis. I still like to stay active and play different sports when I can.
East Coast or West Coast?
I had the pleasure of growing up on the West Coast but now call the East Coast home. I love them both for various reasons. I miss the Pacific Ocean but enjoy the East Coast’s historical sites.
Music or Podcasts?
I love how different genres of music can fit various circumstances and can be used to influence mood and energy. I am also a big fan of utilizing podcasts to expand your knowledge!