Performance Coaching
for Career and Lifestyle

Opportunities for Excellence

Life is full of performance opportunities. In your workplace, in your hobbies, and in your community.

Where there is an opportunity, you have the desire to succeed. This can feel daunting and overwhelming.

You don’t want to feel like you’re floundering or have a negative outlook.

You want to understand optimal performance, how to get there, and how to enjoy the process.

Everyone has room for growth. College students, professionals just starting, professionals transitioning to new jobs/careers, and established professionals can develop performance skills that enhance their work abilities.

Individuals with a specific life goal like running a marathon, starting an organization, or improving relationships can utilize performance principles to achieve them.

Healthy habits are also paramount to performance. Think about what helps you tackle all your opportunities with energy and mindfulness. Chances are your work-life balance, sleep, or stress management could use some improvement.

Desire doesn’t always transfer to success.

You feel like you need to have the answers now, and it’s frustrating to struggle with the ebbs and flows of performance, some of which you can’t even control.

There are just so many things to focus on. Your mind is in overdrive, and emotions are taxed as you try to put your best foot forward.

You think about expectations and worry you’re not doing well. You feel uncomfortable in situations and wish you didn’t have to deal with certain people.

It’s tough to know you have things to improve on but lack the knowledge or support on how to get better. You want to maximize your efforts and have some crucial support for the journey.

Being your best self in work and personal spaces often requires more effective management of obstacles and stressors and specific skill development.

Have you ever thought…

“I will get caught up on things, and then I’ll have the time to work on improving myself.”

You will likely be waiting a long time. What are the odds of being totally caught up and prepared for self-improvement? Resistance also has a habit of showing up where vulnerability and effort are required. The work that helps you be more efficient is the work you’re pushing away.

“I do alright. I’ll just keep grinding.”

You can do more than just survive. You get stuck in the mentality of doing tasks, meeting deadlines, and repeating. After all, hard work and grit are admirable qualities, right? Indeed, they are, but a thriving person can also find enjoyment, engagement, and motivation in their work and lifestyle.

“If I get help, that means I am not good enough to do it on my own.”

Many get caught thinking they should already have what it takes, and if they don’t, that’s grounds for acceptance or giving up. Regardless of speed, skills are built. Growth is essential to performance, mistakes are necessary, and you should not have all the answers.

Your struggles are shared by many!

Kate* is a young professional getting used to her new company.

She is working to understand the environment and her role, but the transition feels like a heavy weight keeping her down. She wonders if she is a good fit for her job… and whether she’s as good as others around her. Kate wants to learn the systems more quickly and take feedback in stride.

Taylor* is ambitious and believes in what he does.

He wants to climb the ladder in his organization. He enjoys his work when things are going well, but when things get difficult, he can’t help but feel overwhelmed and see everything in a negative light. Taylor wants to manage his stress better – to understand what triggers it and how he responds so that he can have the peace, presence, and flexibility he needs to do good work.

Shannon* feels stuck and discouraged by the grind.

There are always the same questions, lack of motivation, difficult relationships, etc., and she spends a lot of energy wishing they were different. But even if things aren’t what she would dream up she knows she needs to do well every day. She wants to find value, contentment, and the desire to grow regardless of where she finds herself. She also wants some help considering different options and finding a direction that she is passionate about.

Let’s talk about what performance coaching can do for you…

Prioritizing coaching can help you to do all the career and life things on your plate. A solid mental skills foundation helps make you effective at whatever you engage in.

Clarity and direction…
Do you feel stuck? You feel like nothing is happening and you don’t have many answers on what to do next. You can imagine more passion and excitement but are unsure where to find it. I can help you develop greater self-understanding of your personality, your values, and your strengths. We can help you feel inspired and motivated to set and accomplish work and life goals.

Goals and Habits…
Goals are worthwhile only when they are tied to your values and when you commit to the process. Have you ever given up on a goal? It doesn’t make you feel good to start with good intentions and then lose steam. Chances are, the ‘why’ wasn’t aligned to your core self enough to endure the inevitable trials. Perhaps your daily behaviors and mindset didn’t truly support what you were trying to achieve. I can help you define your true goals and develop the right long-term habits. Even small habits are incredibly powerful to overall success.

Mental Flexibility…
How often do things go just how you’d like them to? In the past, you’ve let uncomfortable factors like change, frustration, worry, or fear make you rigid and stuck. You can be a harsh self-critic and allow your confidence to wane. The ability to accept what comes with the experience and still do your best is a very valuable skill. I can help you have a flexible mind and rely on the values and behaviors that make you better.

Stress management and combatting burnout…
What is your relationship with stress? When you don’t manage it well, it can make you feel overwhelmed, lead to fatigue, and give you a negative outlook. We can work to help you view stress more positively and bring down the activation level in your body. We can work on strategies for time management, workload adjustments, social interaction, etc.

Relationships and Environment…
Too often, strained relationships, lack of communication, or disconnection with the culture and team can limit success. Critiques can be seen as confirmation of shortcomings. Perceptions and emotions get entangled and misunderstood. We can work on seeking, accepting, and using feedback in a way that helps you perform better. I can also work with you to improve your emotional intelligence and use strategies to create better relationships and more opportunities for success.

Mindfulness and task focus…
Do you often feel like you have too much on your mind? You think about one thing to then be quickly distracted by something else. Performance is hindered when you aren’t focused on the present moment and are swayed by distracting things, thoughts, and feelings. I can help you build your attention abilities to notice more, be fully engaged in the important tasks, and resist what wastes your resources.

Memory, critical thinking, and decision-making…
Think about everything you’ve remembered, analyzed, and made choices about in the last 24 hours alone! Don’t let these processes drain your mind so much. We can work to enhance your memory. You can develop better critical thinking and decision-making skills to help account for more thinking traps and tackle messy problems.

You need sleep. It helps your brain consolidate information, make fewer mistakes, and stay healthy. But sleep isn’t easy for you. Perhaps once you lay down, your mind races or your body is tense. Maybe sleep just hasn’t been a priority for a long time, and you’re used to running at 50%. You deserve quality sleep, and I can help you implement strategies that get you there.

Be better in work and life

Whether you are preparing for the future, growing in your profession, or working on a passion, there is a mental performance application for you.

Are you ready to get direction and build skills for optimal performance?

I am ready to help! Call today and learn more during your free consultation: (760) 554-3982.

*Names and stories are composite narratives and do not reflect actual clients.