Performance Coaching
for Performing Artists and Creatives

You are passionate about your craft.

You feel a connection to your work. It becomes a part of you.

A musician is one with an instrument. A dancer feels the music in their body. A painter is excited by a blank canvas.

There is power in expressing yourself in performance and the opportunity to master something.

You get immersed in something you’re creating and sharing with others.

You love performing and work hard to accomplish your goals.

Performing is both daunting and exhilarating but perform you must.

You are disciplined and persevere. You don’t take extra time off. Instead, you’re training to improve and get an edge on the competition.

You want to get that part, learn more difficult pieces, and have a sell-out crowd. You want to see how far you can go and keep experiencing joy in the craft.

You want to perform even better. What’s getting in the way?

Mastering your craft and putting it out to the world is difficult. There is a lot of discomfort and anxiety.

You have expectations of being flawless which is a heavy burden on your mind and body. Mistakes bring frustration, and you worry things won’t come together.

Then there is having to bring your best performance on the spot. You are keenly aware of the eyes and judgment on you. You can feel very alone and small in those moments.

You are looking for the ability to focus on getting better, being consistent in performances, and having peace of mind through it all.

You likely have a lot in common with these artists and creatives…

Carl* is a musician who would like to perform at an elite level.

Carl deals with a competitive environment. He feels like he is constantly battling favoritism in his auditions. He doesn’t know how to navigate this and muster quality performances despite it. This is eating away at his confidence and affecting his career. Carl’s thoughts are often wasted on unknowns and things he can’t control. He wants to be more at ease, better at managing the environment, and focused on what truly contributes to optimal performance.

As a vocalist, Dylan* loves to sing but struggles to perform in front of others.

The need to deliver his best on stage gives him SO much anxiety. His breathing becomes shallow, he gets the shakes, and he worries he won’t be able to remember everything. When he isn’t performing, Dylan’s thoughts are still overtaken by worries that he’ll lose his dream. Dylan wants to quiet his mind so he can perform successfully and transition into an expressive artist immersed in his craft.

Sarah* is a ballerina returning from an injury.

She’s been working hard for a long time, but she’s not quite where she was before the injury. Getting back into top shape requires a solid practice plan and diligence. She knows that and is willing to do the work, but she keeps expecting perfection and gets discouraged when comparing herself to others. She gets frustrated thinking about the road ahead and feels isolated on her journey. Sarah wants a performance plan that motivates and excites her – that helps her get better physically AND mentally.

Let’s tailor a training program to help you reach your goals.

Performing under pressure…
You’ve experienced pressure to the point it’s made your body feel ill and your mind race. Not knowing what to expect paralyzes you. Performing well and meeting expectations is stressful, but it doesn’t have to own you. You can learn to manage the experience of pressure and its effects on your mind and body.

Have you ever been engaged in practice only for your mind to wander? You can’t regain focus and just end up wasting time. This doesn’t have to happen. We can work on your awareness of where your attention is throughout your day, so you gain the ability to concentrate on your tasks.

Have you ever taken feedback personally or let failure cripple your growth into a top performer? There is discomfort in performance – many thoughts, feelings, stress, and things you can’t control. These are things you can learn to hold lightly so that you can commit to what processes help you succeed.

Enjoyment of your craft…
Sometimes, you work so much at your craft that it becomes a chore. You’ve lost some energy and excitement that used to fill you. This isn’t something you just have to deal with. I can help you better understand where this is coming from and help you re-engage with curiosity and fulfillment.

Performance environment management…
Have you ever felt like you were doing so well with your craft, but the organization or relationships ruined your performance? Marketing yourself is uncomfortable. You aren’t confident in building relationships with stakeholders. I can help you build those skills and navigate the environment more effectively.

A creativity slump hits. You are too wrapped up in it, overanalyzing, and nothing new is coming. These don’t have to derail your ability to perform consistently. I can help you access a more productive mind and body space that provides possibilities, not stagnation. There are techniques to spark engagement, clarity, and inspiration.

Have you heard the saying, “practice makes permanent”? Well, you are disheartened because you are practicing a lot but not getting results. Let’s help maximize your efforts by considering your practice habits and load. Effective practice leads to solid performance.

Master your craft, and improve your life.

Are you ready to learn to manage what gets in the way of optimal performance, enhance your skills, and enjoy the process? Mental performance training will serve you well in multiple areas of life.

Let me help you on that journey. Call today and learn more during your free 30-minute consultation: (760) 554-3982.

*Names and stories are composite narratives and do not reflect actual clients.