
Invest in something that makes a difference.

Mental performance training helps with optimal engagement, performance, and enjoyment of sport, art, and profession.

ProMind focuses on growth and establishing solid processes that consistently develop better, healthier people who perform their best.

Why workshops?

Workshops are impactful because they allow people to learn about mental performance topics, gain personal insight, and practice skills via activities.

This helps strengthen know-how and the likelihood of future application.

When to use workshops…

Workshops are great for a specific topic or set of skills you would like a group of individuals or teams to develop. They are often utilized to fit a particular number of meetings and timeframe.

Who can benefit from workshops?

Workshops can be implemented wherever performance is essential: athletes, artists, and professionals. They help individuals deal with obstacles and develop skills more effectively and efficiently on the journey to excellence.

Workshops can also be useful for those in leadership and supporting roles, such as coaches and parents.

Leaders and coaches have a significant role with subordinates, players, and teams. They give so much time and effort to their work and others. Who supports them as they steer the ship?

Parents have a 24/7 role of support for their athlete or performer. They want to know what they are doing positively impacts their child’s performance and life development.

What will workshops focus on?

Workshops can focus on multiple complementary performance skills or dive into a particular element of performance. Like other services, we will meet to understand goals and needs before tailoring your workshops.

Common areas of focus include…

Foundational mental skills: Learn to manage pressure, stress, and emotions. Develop focus, firm values, and resilient mindsets. Develop motivation and confidence that lasts in ever-changing situations. Enhance methods of learning skills and create habits that will be available to use when it counts.

Leadership/Coaches: Coaches can have even more of an impact by improving communication and feedback strategies, utilizing principles for motivation and confidence, supporting a growth mindset, or implementing methods to enhance learning and skill acquisition.

Parents of Performers: Parent involvement and support can influence enjoyment, competence, confidence, coping skills, and motivation. I can help parents understand how children develop these, give them ways to build them in feedback, and help them set up positive performance experiences.

Team Development: Teams can establish high-performing environments. They can benefit from defining values, roles, and goals. I can help them learn to be cohesive, collaborative, and function with a team-oriented mindset. They can develop skills to manage stress, mistakes, and conflict better while finding satisfaction and motivation.

ProMind is here to help.

There are many different elements and roles to manage in performance.

No one has all the answers or should have the burden of figuring it out independently.

We can work together to increase knowledge, build skills, and implement strategies that bring success.

I’d love to connect via a free 30-minute consultation: (760) 554-3982. We can discuss your needs and make sure I am a good fit for you!